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Happy Drawing!

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A lot of people think that they cannot draw. They say that they don’t know how to draw or just don’t know where to start. In my sketchnote workshops I correct those participants whenever they say that because I believe that everyone c a n draw, you just need to learn some basics. I’d like to show you two series from the social webs and a few books that help learn drawing and are big fun.

»Sketch a bit« by Eva Lotta Lamm

First one is »Sketch a bit« by Eva Lotta Lamm—the lady who brought me into the field of sketchnoting. A few weeks ago she started sharing little videos on Twitter and Instagram under the hashtag #sketchabit. She shows how to draw simple objects like hands, coffee, newspapers, candles etc.

You can find them on Twitter using the hashtag #sketchabit or on Instagram.

»How to Draw« by Scriberia

The other one is the YouTube playlist »How to Draw« Playlist by the English graphic facilitation agency Scriberia. There you can learn how to draw pigs or helicopters, presented in a very charming way!

I’d love to attend one of their workshops some time because I like their work and drawing styles a lot.

The complete playlist is here and here is the helicopter example.

Ed Emberly

I also recommend the lovely books by Ed Emberly—an English children’s book illustrator. He made a few books that show how to draw objects very easily—just by using simple geometrical shapes: Drawing Book of Faces, Make a World & Die kunterbunte Zeichenstunde and lots more. It’s so much fun with kids but also for grown-ups!

And now: Happy Drawing!