Category: Tutorial

Football World Cup Sketchnotes: Tips and Tricks

Sketchnotes Soccer Sketch the Match

From a German point of view, the World Cup was not ideal. But that did not stop me from sketchnoting at least the first three games this time. You’ll remember that I did that too in the last European Championship. At that time, I approached it quite differently, both from a technical point of view (drawn analogously on paper) and in terms of content.

Since I always emphasize that you can use sketchnotes for everything, I would like to use this opportunity to show how I go about it.

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How to Draw: Fish

How to draw Fish – Sketchnotes

You seemed to like my post about how to draw easter bunnies, so I thought why not adding another one about fishes. It is the same principle: take a geometric shape for the body like square, circle or oval. Add eyes, mouth and flappers — and build a fish.

How to draw Fish – Sketchnotes

Create a toolbox

The flappers can look really differently, heart-shaped, triangles, round or with corners. You can add patterns if you like but you don’t have to. It will be recognized as fishes anyways.

How to draw Fish – Sketchnotes

You can easily build new fishes from that toolbox.

How to draw Fish – Sketchnotes

Happy fishing!

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Diversity: Drawing people in Sketchnotes

Sketchnotes Menschen

Recently, I have come across a couple of exciting discussions around diversity in visualizations in my social media channels. One of those focused on how best to represent national diversity without resorting to stereotypes.

The proposals ranged from simple ones that suggested coloring figures differently to marking them with flags to visualize their origin.

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